the next stage for mapping out the face was to do the ear which was done in much the same way as the head except that instead of using the cylindrical map parameter i had to use the planar one and then the pelt one as well though the pelt map parameter didnt really work for me as the checker pattern was already lined up pretty well. after this was done i had to put in another unwrap UVW above the symmetry modifyier which did the same for the second half of the head as what i had done with the first and allowed me to position it and attach it as shown above. after this was done i had to attach both sides of the face to the other welding the vertices where they meet. then i used the select overlap tool to find the over lapping polys and pull them around until they were no longer overlapping. the sections above which are highlighted in red are sections i could not stop from overlapping the rest was done with alot of work!
very cool