Monday 18 October 2010

back of the head and shoulders

Ive created the back of my head and my sholders now by first making a sphere which i lined up with the shape of my head and squashed down so it was a similar shape then deleted all the polys i didn't need which were all but the ones going over the top and round to the back of my neck and some round the side of my head.
i used the shape that was left and extruded edges of the polys so they matched the contours of the head. once this was done i then extended it down into my neck and shoulders extruding more and more polys until it had the right sort of shape i then added a turbo smooth to see how it looked and added some refining touches until it looked how i wanted it. this was a long process and I'm still not happy with how it came out and given more time i would of kept going until it was a lot better.

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