Wednesday 29 September 2010

making the grid attempt 2 grid finished

this is my second attempt at making the grid for my face and with alot of work i managed to get it finished and ready for the next stage. this time i started by making larger quads round the eyes which lead to larger quads round the entire face i then moved on making them smaller and smaller by adding in more and more lines till there are enough quads to make the next stage work properly.

making the grid

This photo is the next stage i took which was to first use blue lines to mark out the key features of my face and then using these as a guide draw the red lines into quads to map out the topography of my face. this was all done using the Brush tool. this photo was my first attempt but i managed to put to many quads round the eye which led to having to many quads over the entire face and also leaving my quads very long and thin because of this i shall be starting again and hopefully it will come out better.

Lining up the photos

This picture is of the two reference photos after i have finished lining them up. i did this by first using lens correction on both of the photos to make them both straight, so my head wasnt tilted for example, then taking off the distortion that was caused by the camera. after this was done i copied one of the pictures onto the same canvas of the other one but on a different layer i then changed the opacity of this photo and placed it over the top of the second one to try and line them up properly matching the eye to the eye and the mouth to the mouth as close as possible. then as a double check i used the rulers putting one through the eyes and another under and over the ear so it matches as close as possible.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Thoughts on projects

The first project seems like it will be a good way to learn the more complicated aspects of 3d modeling so i am looking forward to doing it though i would not be modeling my own head!
The second project sounds like fun as well i really like the idea of working for a real client and making a tourist video for essex will be especially good for me as i have lived my whole life here so know the area fairly well. i think this module will be challenging but enjoyble.

reference photos

Dont Laugh!

Year 3 project!

This is my personal blog following my progress through the virtual environments module first off with making a 3d version of my own head and then following the group project. this week we have taken the reference pictures we will need for creating our heads. photos to follow!